Summer Update – July 25-31

DSC01834You know, I have never met a less complain-y group of 18-25 year olds than this one.  Not one whiner in the bunch.  It’s remarkable, really.  Maybe they’re being real secretive about their whining, but that’s not really in the nature of complainers. 

I mean, they had a long week. They had to perform 4 times, on top of a daily schedule of rehearsals and coachings back to back from 10am to 5pm, two of which were performing with faculty in our new collaborative concerts. But instead of seeming tired, they were bright, inquisitive, and full of positive energy. They really knocked it out of the park with their performances.  I’m particularly proud of my little Faure group, Haesol and Korynne, who went from feeling initially uncomfortable with the unusual language of late Faure to really owning the music and creating a beautiful canvas.  And a great intro talk by Korynne, who managed to be creative and fun even after a tiring 4 hour drive that morning.


Anyway, this post will be mostly a media post, as my internet decided not to work all day, forcing me to write this, once again, at 1am in the morning.  Why not stay at Garth Newel after the concert and post there?  1.  I had an awesome headache after the Elgar.  It was all kinds of throbbing.  2. This guy needed to be walked:


So, in order of events:

Fellow performance at Kendal at Lexington.  Thank you to Sarah Giddings for organizing the lovely evening!

Haydn Quartet! Performers from L to R: Sarah Thomas, Haesol Lee – violins. Julia Rupp – cello, Kaitlin Springer, viola
Ben’s sassy intro to Mendelssohn d minor trio. Andrew Burgen- violin, Joseph Williams – piano, Ben Osterhouse-cello
Sarah charmingly introduces the Brahms quartet

Fellow performance at the Homestead:

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So….who’s driving?
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Beethoven Serioso.  With arched looks
Julia introducing the Martin
Julia introducing the Martin
Trio on Traditional Irish Folk Tunes, by Frank Martin
Trio on Traditional Irish Folk Tunes, by Frank Martin
Adorable team intro by Haesol and Kaitlin
Adorable team intro by Haesol and Kaitlin
Ravel String Quartet

Saturday’s talk, concert, and videos of a very special musical interlude:

Prokofiev’s New Simplicity
Shawn brings us from Russia to Spain
Shawn sang so beautifully – everybody was touched by his expressiveness and timing
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Bayla Keyes, me, and Shawn, the first half performers. So much fun to work with them. Bayla and I played Prokofiev violin sonata no.2, and Shawn and I performed songs by Rachmaninoff and Obradors
Granados Piano Quintet!
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Shostakovich Octet! Super thrilling performance by all
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A special performance by our guest faculty Robbie Merfield and piano fellow Joseph Williams

The duets that Robbie and Joe played were very touching.  He has been coming to Garth Newel to teach the fellows since 2000, and there is no shortage of love and appreciation for what he brings to the students.

Sunday’s concert:

Faure Trio

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