News & Notes from GNMC
There’s always a lot going on at Garth Newel Music Center.

Winter Chill 2025: Pub + Great music + Art Gallery
Bath County isn’t exactly swimming in cozy winter pubs. So, with a little “Field of Dreams” logic, we will turn Herter Hall into our own winter pub at 6pm on

What is a Sonata?
An introduction to GNMC’s first Sonatenabend: Beethoven Sonatas In Old Italian, the word “sonata” derives from “sonare”, which means, “to sound”. Which doesn’t seem very helpful until it’s pointed out

Get Close to Music—New Video
The chamber music experience at Garth Newel is exceptionally intimate and welcoming, for performers and audience alike. At GNMC, you truly are “close to music.” In this video, you’ll hear

A Weekend with the Parker String Quartet
As a member of the Garth Newel Piano Quartet, I am often on stage in Herter Hall. Last weekend, I had the pleasure of being an audience member for a

Meet Nikki!
A lot more than a helpful voice When you phone or stop by the Garth Newel office, it’s likely you’ll be greeted by administrative coordinator Nikki Bowes, one of the

Stables Come Back to Life at Garth Newel
When the 2024 Summer Season opens on June 29, the revived Garth Newel stables—just below Herter Hall—will be open for viewing for the first time in decades. Audience members are