Inside the Music: Stylefinder edition

by Jeannette Fang Categories are quick, but they are not always accurate, and more often than not they can be misleading. Just take a look at iTunes, where the “Classical” […]

Caption Contest!

In looking over pictures from recent concerts, we came across some shots of the ridiculous variety. In trying to remember what made us do this or that bizarre thing onstage, […]

On audiences here at Garth Newel

Last night was a revelation to me. Herter Hall was packed. PACKED.  Shawn was gleefully pulling out more and more chairs for people, his stentorian “Welcome!” on rapid repeat throughout […]

On working with composers

The thing that hooked me into new music was my addiction to solving puzzles.  Rapidly oscillating 9ths up and down the keyboard with too small a hand?  Regroup and quickly […]

String Envy

At college, I wound up mostly hanging out with string players.  There were a multitude of reasons why I was drawn to them; they shared and encouraged the same geeky […]